Thursday, September 13, 2007

Grandma Passes

In 1999, my grandmother passes away. My grandma was on life support. The night before she pass I remember crying and praying to God that I did not want grandma to suffer any more. I didn't want her to be in pain and so I told him that if it was his time to take her away from me. The next day I went to the hospital to visit her and they took her off life support. I cried and cried I didn't want to say good bye. I didn't want to lose my favorite person in the world. I had to go back to school and hours after I left she passed.

She was the best grandma anyone could ask for. She let us stay over she would make us popcorn and put melted butter on it. She would play games with me and would let me win. I would play at her house while she would watch her soaps. Grandma would take care of me when I was to stay home alone. I would get scared, in the dark I would sprint to my house and Grandma would feed me.

I miss my grandma very much. If there were one person that I could bring back for the dead it would be her. I wish she were around when I was in high school. I think that she would have been the one that I would talk too. Sometimes I get really sad just thinking about her. I love you Grandma! See you in heaven.

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