Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Slowly Finding my way back on the road.

My assistant softball coach, Tiffany, and I have become pretty good friends. The other weekend, her little girl, Laila, Tiffany, and I went shopping. All the way to the mall, we listened to Christian music. Something I have not done for three and a half years. (I used to all the time in high school). I only knew one song the whole 45 minutes of driving. That is when it hit me.

College life is almost over, I don't have to impress anyone any more. I have a boyfriend that I love dearly, and eventually will settle down; which, it is starting to right now. But now I am starting to think about what is really important in my life. Is it really that hip-hop music that talks about sex, drugs and violence? Or is all the distant friends that I have?

I don't mind some Christian music, others, yeah not so much. But it has a good message, something I can actually live by. I also like only having a few good friends. Those friend that I trust , are there for me, and would do anything for me.

I do think that people do have swerve off the road at some point to find out what is really important to them.

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